Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How we encouraged a bunch of heroes!

As Americans we are raised to think of our firefighters and paramedics as heroes worthy of our respect and the distinction of hero.  They are thanked and honored in towns and cities across America.  People recognize them for what they do and who they are and the way they put themselves in danger to ensure our safety and way of life.  We are grateful!  They are heroes.

Did you ever think what it might be like for fire fighters and paramedics in different parts of the world?  In developing nations where the needs are so great that, even though they might want to, the government and the people aren't able to provide sometimes the basic needs of these heroes let alone take the time to honor them.  The volunteer fire fighters and paramedics in our area regularly stand on the highways going in and out of town to collect spare change and money from people to use for things like gas for their emergency vehicles and equipment they need to do their jobs.  They are volunteers yet they spend HOURS on their time collecting to make sure they can do what they need to do during hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, accidents, mudslides, and medical emergencies.  They don't get thanked.  They don't generally get honored.

We have watched the bomberos (fire fighters and paramedics) in Antigua care for our friends who live on the streets over and over again.  They have bound wounds, cared for cuts, run them to the emergency room, given them water and food, made sure they had a blanket if they needed it, and even come to take care of them when they die.  They are just really great people!

Last week we had a group from Toronto who helped us throw a party for them.  It's something Mark and I have been wanting to do for a really long time and it finally worked!  They raised $250 and brought down decorations for a luau including leis and we had a party.  We made chili dogs, coleslaw, and 2 gigantic cakes and we also had watermelon, chips, pop, and coffee.  Because we were able to do  those things for so little we were also able to buy $100 in gift certificates for a local restaurant to have door prizes!  We showed a movie, cheered them when they entered the station, gave them their flowers, and served them so they could just relax and have fun.  There were a total of about 40 bomberos there that night! 

One of the bomberos told me that this was the first time they had anyone say thank you to them and do soemthing to show their appreciation.  We don't want it to be the last! 

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