Friday, May 29, 2009

If You're Watching This, I've been assassinated...

Lately things in Guatemala have gotten a little tense, to say the least! The political situation is not good. It's becoming volatile. Please pray for God's Spirit to fall and revival to begin. Watch this, and you'll know what I mean.

Friday, May 1, 2009

What HAVE we been up to?

Okay, I know it's been a long time! But, we've been super busy and haven't been able to get new stuff added! Here's a few things we've been doing:

Bailey and Alicia worked with a team from our church helping to translate for them at a malnutrition center near Antigua.

We did a special Kid's Club where we took the kids on a prayer journey to tangibly teach them what prayer is. We had stations for them to go to with their prayer journals we gave them. We did Praise and Worship, Repentance, Praying for others, Praying for our needs, Thanksgiving, and What is Faith? Mark did the Repentance station. Alicia worked on the Praise and Worship Station. Christopher helped with What is Faith. Bailey worked in the Thanksgiving station. I kept it all rolling! They loved it! We were exhausted! We had about 80 kids that Saturday go through the whole prayer experience.

We also had Semana Santa (Holy Week) in there! This is one of the carpets made of colored sawdust that they make all over the streets of Antigua. They are beautiful! We love to walk around and look at them. Holy Thursday is when it all really starts with alfombras (carpets) and getting ready for the processionals, which are massive with all the costumed people. Mark does street ministry that night because there is so many people out and about. It was a good night and we got home around 5am Friday morning!