Monday, July 12, 2010

God Wins Again- satan Loses. Ha Ha

On June 18th and 19th some friends and I went to a small town in Guatemala where I was scheduled to teach an evangelism seminar at a church. Unfortunately, the day we arrived someone from the church died. But the seminar wasn’t cancelled, so we moved forward even though things were a little awkward. The distractions that followed made things even more interesting: A bunch of kids showed up for a kids club before the seminar, and we were asked at the last minute to provide the program- so we came up with something. I expected more teens at the seminar, but it turned out to be a mixed crowd that included kids. Those who showed up didn’t seem very excited about the teaching, but it was hard to tell what they were thinking- were they mourning the one who had just died, was it a cultural shyness, were they bored? To make matters more difficult we had to translate a lot of the seminar into 2 different languages which made the teaching a lot longer than usual- I had to abbreviate things quite a bit. Then the power went out briefly during the teaching and we couldn’t get the sound to work for one of the videos I wanted to show. Because of the funeral and the cultural thing of not starting on time the next days classes were shortened from 5 hours to 3 hours. It was a little discouraging.
But, you see, God always has a winning strategy even though it may include some hardships and setbacks. A group of kids at the kids club prayed to receive Jesus into their hearts. Maybe that was the main reason we were there! A girl at the seminar prayed to get right with God too. Yep- it was worth it all. Also, the pastor’s son seemed excited about the teaching, and I have a feeling that he’s going to really use what he received to do some great things where he’s at. So, sorry satan, you lose. God wins. Again.