I just returned from a couple of weeks of outreach in Ambergris Caye, an island off the coast of Belize. Our YWAM team was on our outreach phase of the Discipleship Training School, and we were hosted in Belize by another YWAM base. Here are some ministry highlights: -As we were entering the country an officer asked for some of my gospel tracts to pass out to others!
-As a ministry to the community our team picked up garbage along the beach and cut brush along a couple of roads to make a wider path for bikes and vehicles.
-We did ministry in a very poor neighborhood one day. It looked like a garbage dump, but the people are apparently using the garbage as landfill. A few of us talked to a lady there who was sitting on her porch. Her and her x-husband ended up praying with us to receive Christ!
-Our team did a couple of services at a carpenter shop. The owners are trying to share Jesus with their workers. We got to help by sharing dramas, testimonies and teachings. We also got to do some dramas and testimonies in a couple of churches on the island.
-I got to do some open air preaching along the beach. I used some illusions to draw a crowd and then I shared the gospel with them. A few of the kids who were in the crowd prayed with me to accept Christ. I also got to lead a few men to the Lord on a couple of other days.
-We did a series of programs in different classrooms at an Anglican school. Our base leader thought there may have been about 50 students that prayed with us to accept Christ during those 3 days of classes!
-After our time on the island we stopped to visit the Myan pyramids of Tikal. I was thoroughly unimpressed. I thought about the waste of human potential- piling up a bunch of rocks when they could have been loving Jesus and loving people instead. God, save us from wasting our lives on things that are going to crumble. Help us to build for eterninty!!!
-On the 16th I came home to 4 smiling faces and 2 wagging tails. Yep, life is good.