Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year Stuff

Well, here we are at 2009. Who'd have thought?

Our family decided to set aside this week to seek God together for this year and what He wants from us. We are watching "Driven By Eternity" by John Bevere this week and discussing it as a family. It's amazing what insights the kids have. I love their perspective on things! If you haven't read the book or seen the teaching, do it. It's really challenging. I love that it blows away things we as Christians always believed but, weren't necessarily Biblically true. I like the challenge.

I'm looking forward to this year. I can't wait to see what God will do with us. It's exciting! What will happen? What will we be doing this time next year? This time last year we were planning on going home for a visit in February, what will next year bring?

Blessings to you all this year. Seek God. Stay faithful!
